Monday, October 26, 2009

Talking Points #6

I thought that the videos were very interesting to see. Tim Wise actually mentions Brown v. Board of Education. He says that Obama being made president is just another step towards equality. He says that Obama's presidency is like Brown v. Board because they are both huge steps, but they are only part of the solution. Equality didn't automatically come with Obama's election. He says that people of color are only accepted by the dominant culture when they are above average in any way. Obama is very well educated and very intelligent so he is an acceptable leader. He says that by accepting the above average people of color we forget the people who are just average or below average. It is okay for a white person to be mediocre, but if a person of color is mediocre, they are shunned by society. I agree with Wise because he sees thst some things have changed, but there is much more to do. We have changed the obvious aspects of racism, but the more subtle ones remain from the past. We may think that we are different from the people of the 1950's and 1960's, but we are in the same boat they were. Hopefully, we can continue to move in the direction of equality.

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