Monday, November 2, 2009

Talking Points #7

I thought that this website had the right idea about education. It is basically saying that education is beneficial for everyone and that both genders should have the same opportunity for an education. It also said that education is a right and not a privilege. I totally agree. Everyone should have the same education whether they are male or female, rich or poor.

When I was younger, my mother considered sending me to an all girls private school. I hated the idea just because I didn't want to be with only girls all day. I thought it was weird. Looking back now, I still don't really like the idea, but for different reasons. It seperates the male and female education and curriculum. It puts home economics at the girls school and takes wood shop out of the girls school. I think that it is unfair to limit the curriculum based on gender. All kids should have the choice to take wood shop even if they're a girl or take home ec even if they're a boy.
This website had interesting data about the enrollment of girls in schools and how it has gone up, worldwide, over the past thirty years. This gives some hope that equality in schools can be achieved. If girls are just as educated as boys, then it will lead them to the same jobs as the males. Through equalities in schools, we can achieve equality in jobs, housing, and other important issues.

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